Smart Buttons
Controls/XML Elements

Drop-Down List <ComboBox>

This control allows agents to select a value from previously predefined answers.

For example, this drop-down list allows agents to select a reason code.


It is recommended to configure drop-down lists using the Drop-Down List XML Generator.

To configure with the Drop-Down List XML Generator:
  1. Open the Smart Buttons Editor to create a script.

  2. Click Drop-Down list <ComboBox> to display the Drop-Down List XML Generator.

  3. Configure the desired attributes.



    Variable name Enter the symbolic name (identifier) that collects the answer.
    Question to user Enter the question to prompt the user.
    Width Enter the width of the prompt window in pixels.
    Tooltip Enter the hover text that displays over the selection box.
    Input options

    Enter the source of elements to display in the drop-down list.

    ADD NEW ITEM Click to add more than three static items to the list.
    Item value For each list item, enter the value that is displayed in the list.
    Comment For each item value, enter additional information that is displayed next to item. The comment is not transferred to variable.
    Item source

    Enter the variable in square brackets.
    For example: [PaxList]

    Enter static elements separated with a semicolon.
    For example: IMB;Coca Cola;BMW

    Enter Value**Key elements list separated with two asterisks (**).
    For example: IBM**82379;CocaCola**11234,BMW**73209

    Mix of variable and static elements.
    For example: [AccountsfromExcel];IBM;Volvo

    Display If input values come from Value**Key collection, select to display to the user Value, Key, or both.

    If input values come from Value**Key collection, select to return back to the variable Value, Key, or both.

    Is editable and filterable

    Allows agents to overwrite (edit) the answer, when the preferred item is not in the drop-down list.

    This attribute also allows agents to search within a list for specific element.

    Block selection of first item If selected, agents are not able to select the first item in the list.
  4. Click SUBMIT.